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Wednesday, July 04, 2012

  Its been long since I've updated my blog.
Well im back I guessLOL, sadly my phone is spoiled .. yeax me =.=!
Turning 21 this year and moms bugging me to get a boyfriend =.=!
Well I don’t need one LOL

Things are getting better and worse at the same time. Complicated to explain but thats how it is. Brothers is NS, sisters working and having a relationship and lasting for 4 years plus.. happy for her and Im just stuck at one place dunno where to go or turn to. Confusing as it sounds thats where I am right now.

Can I pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars, coz I really need a wish right now. *(Life)* trying to move forward.

Well I have to cut short for now

-Im Out-

-Keep Moving Forward-

♥ Blogged @
10:12 PM