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Sunday, March 28, 2010

April Intake Dance

on the 14th & 15th April

at Bishan & Macpherson ITE

we're performing a dance but confused

of who's dancing and if we can get our steps rite in time

So damn worried
Not sure if Tyler is dancing
and if he could catch up anot
& also that Lock..haiz..dunno if he also can catch
very worried..ahhhx

Songs that we might be dancing is the

Pink Panter followed by the Battery

then the first song of Yenny's Cheo & her second Cheo dance too

so meaning 2 songs from us and 2 songs from her

members who are comfirm dancing are:

  • Sumin
  • Rickmond
  • Faiz
  • Xin Ling
  • Me
& Mayb Sheng Chao (Thats If Either Lock Or Tyler's Not Dancing)

Those who are not comfirm yet are

  • Lock
  • Tyler
very stressfull + my school work which is AUTOCAD

eeee I so hate that


plus after March Holidays

I'll be at Tampines ITE

so its harder for me to wake up and be early for school

but JY I know that I can do it

with ya guys support out there


= )



do click on the ads on the side

if ya see them




well thats about it

haiz I need time to settle things out

Thanks to my VP who's at Laos right now

p.s: Hope Your Having Fun!!!


~Peace Out~

~Taez Shahz~

♥ Blogged @
1:35 AM

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


A team player, Taazmin readily relinquishes personal interests and goals to accommodate those close to her. She is loyal to a fault; but others may sometimes question her unwavering dedication to current relationships and methods. Taazmin values security, and usually does her best to avoid sudden changes in her environment or situation.

Not afraid to take a bold approach, Taazmin is willing to challenge the status quo. She is original and creative, and acts with confidence when implementing new solutions. Taazmin will tend to use a balance of intuition and facts when making decisions, and once she has made a decision, she will not be afraid to take action upon it.

Because she cares about how others feel, Taazmin may feel uncomfortable making decisions that strongly affect others. She typically encourages others to be involved in the decision making process and prefers to work in a team role. Others tend to see Taazmin as agreeable and humble.

Taazmin prefers a rational and moderate approach when first entering new situations and tries to avoid extremes. She likes the company of others, but Taazmin is equally comfortable spending a quiet evening alone. She is a realist who will always weigh her options before she makes a decision to move ahead.

*Just For Fun Doing This Hahahax*

*Just Saw This, Kinda Interesting = )*

~Taez Shahz~

♥ Blogged @
4:15 AM

~+Soul'D Out Chalet 2010 Batch + Xin Ling's BirthDay+~

22/3 ~ 23/3

we seniors went there at 2pm plus to prepare the stuff for the juniros

2 hours later the food & the juniors arrive

around 4pm
we brought the food
they rest for half an hour


Its Our Soul'D Out

for the first time in 2010
that I had hahax dunno for the rest bahx

but for me its fun moving on we had our first game at 4.30pm
which is


was really fun & funny the way they were acting towards the game that

I introduced


I spilt them into 2 groups one is Sufiyan's group

as the above picture can show ya

& the other group is Asrul's Group

well in the end Asrul's group lost and here's a short video of the forefit that they did

created by me

after that we went up to our chalet which btw its at the second floor

coolx ehx = )

after a while Xin Ling arrived

so around 5 plus going to 6pm Lock & Sumin & Xin Ling went to start the BBQ

while me & Sheng Chao were entertaining the juniors

but its annoying when it comes to my brother and his gang


annoying much to me

in the chalet

so after that we went to buy some extra items like

paper plates, cups, tissue, trays

not extra is



7.30pm plus THEN!!


then Boon arrive just nice for food to eat.



10.30pm plus after food we went upstairs to play a simple light game which is


until 11.50pm plus

OH DAMN the uncle didnt put the candles in I was angry with the uncle,

I told him put 2 (TWO) big candles

so in the end I ran out with Boon to buy candles all the way

at the
E-Hub there =.="

came back its around 12.15am

15 mins pass Xin Ling's BirthDay I felt horrible

= (

but in the end we SABOED her Goooood my plan worked in the end hehex

= X

erm I meant Lock's PLAN



moving on at 1am plus was the


if cant see click on it and highlight it after that


but in the end it didnt really go as plan

well we still had fun


after the game which was like at 3am plus plus

some were showering the others were eating

the same..if ya cant see it click on it and then highlight it after that

= )

well overall it was totally a fun and awsome chalet



well thats all for now..more pictures are at


= )


do click on the ads if ya see them thanks

= )


ending of with a picture


~Taez Shahz~

♥ Blogged @
12:26 AM

Friday, March 19, 2010

Today was my last day in

Bedok ITE
College Central


there was no school today

I didnt knw at all

damn PS


no one call or tell me that there wasn't any school!!

I ended up cleaning up my classroom

which my teacher Mr Tay ask me to clean

= (


it was a memory lane when I was in school

thinking of the past awsome memories I had in the school

All the jokes we had, Sabo's we made,
Pictures we took, Pranks we played,
Videos we made, Feelings shared,
Songs we sang, Times we fought LOLX,
Help each other, Copy each others work hahax,
Struggle through thick & thin together = )

wad memories we had there wont ever be the same
Tampines anymore

= (

haiz... well today when I went to school

I manage to snap some pictures of Bedok ITE

where we hang out & memories of wad we do there


check it out

*{Tears In My Eyes}*

*Welcome To Bedok Campus*

places we hung out

= )

*wink wink*

My Student Councilor (SC) Room a.k.a. Student Hub

always go there play

Counter Strike


had SC Meetings like this

Check out the background of this picture

<---- not us ehx..

hahax btw that's Stephenie Yap

hahax = )


well my SC group member are this People

Fun rite..


well we're all split up now going to diff schools

like Chua Chu Kang,
Balestier &

*{Tears AGAIN Damn}*

well was really fun we had lots of fun check out this video

of our bounding as SC

Lolx coolx ehx = )

well thats SC

lets go on to another location which in the school that brough memories

Lolx..my last of Autocad Room

Cad 07

Total memories here are

getting stuck at autocad itself and copying by taking each others work and making it their own

Playing Facebook, Counter Strike & Warcraft



really lots of fun

moving on..

next memory

this place is the annoying memory that Mdm Zulhana keep
making us run & run & run


but still a fun memory together at here

our school hall
yeax yeax kinda blur


I dun care

= D


next memory

The Toilet
<--- Girls/Boys LOLX SABOED HERE lolx wow great memories I tell ya


Well here's where we hang out and sometimes
p.s. Only I was the one dancing LOLX
but yet its still fun hahax = )


well from now till end some pictures and videos

do enjoy = )

First week of school in first year

The First week with my new friends

The time when I was Bored

My 18 BirthDay Celebration
in school plus a sabo


Time we spent to together
like one..

can ya guess which is my shoes?

Met new friends
in Bedok ITE







Xin Ling


Lolx there still more but sad I dun have their pictures

moving on

My drawing class

LOLX..really fun memories

well..more of the pictures are at

hahax yeax

well thats all for now

See ya AWSOME guys!!

= )

~Taez Shahz~

♥ Blogged @
6:25 AM

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Am in school right now feeling really really bored coz there's only me and

some other people

in class right now


school will be ending in like

another 1 and a half hour's time

my lesson for today is

from 8am - 12pm
have been going to various websites to entertain myself



Facebook, Youtube, Hotmail, Blogger, Miniclip, Neopets, Visiting other people's blog




check this out

am gonna watch this in Gold Class Baby!!

The Twlight Saga: The Ecplise


yeax..well thats all for now

wanna go play game


see ya awsome people soon

love ya


= )
~Taez Shahz~

♥ Blogged @
7:30 PM


I can't believe it took me quite so long.
To take the forbidden step.
Is this something that I might regret?

Nothing ventured nothing gained.
A lonely heart that can't be tamed.
I'm hoping that you feel the same.
This is something that I can't forget.

I thought that we would just be friends.
Things will never be the same again.
It's just the beginning it's not the end.

It's not a secret anymore.
Now we've opened up the door.
Starting tonight and from now on.
We'll never, never be the same again.

Now I know that we were close before.
I'm glad I realized I need you so much more.
And I don't care what everyone will say.
It's about you and me.
And we'll never be the same again.

But sometimes it seems completely forbidden.
To discover those feelings that we kept so well hidden.
Where there's no competition.
And you render my condition.
Though improbable it's not impossible.
For a love that could be unstoppable.

But wait.
A fine line's between fate and destiny.
Do you believe in the things that were just meant to be?
When you tell me the stories of your quest for me.
Picturesque is the picture you paint effortlessly.

And as our energies mix and begin to multiply.
Everyday situations, they start to simplify.
So things will never be the same between you and I.
We intertwined our life forces and now we're unified.

Well that's kinda part of my life story

-Nothing Is Impossible-

Cause Im-Possible

well thats all for today needa go back to my important stuff

hahax hope ya enjoy yaself


Do click on the ads on the side
it wont take that long = )


love ya awsome people

~Taez Shahz~

♥ Blogged @
3:08 AM

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Today's My Mom's BirthDay


yeax secretive my siblings


lolx..will be buying her a cake


its cost like around

if I'm not wrong blehx


sad thing its that I didnt get her anything = (

but I will soon

hahax..but yesterday was awsome

my whole family went to

hahax it was really fun we swam in the salty water
gross water

we went to Palawan Beach

not siloso Beach

because there was crowed

anywayx we had lots okie fun check this out

---> +Me+ & +My Sis+ <---

+My Bro+

well...kinda weird on how we look but we really had fun

here are some lame vid's of us which I took

= )

Video 1

Video 2

hahax..well that's my family


hahax I'm at the back =.="


the rest of the pics are at Facebook

do check them out

= )

there's nth much I can say but do help me to

Click the Ads
at the side
if ya see them

<----- thanks alot guys

Ending Off With A Pic

~Taez Shahz~

♥ Blogged @
12:54 AM