Another boring day which is today Sunday..lolx..but wait today got
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory at 7.15pm ..
Weeeeeex...:p hang I'm not working
today if not i cannot watch...sob sob sob
cant wait to watch it bcoz its so boring at home now..
lolx so wad to do??..wait for it and do my home ..
OMG..i haven started on my worksheets ahhhx..1 more week of holiday left
and I haven finish yet...oh man...lolx.. Nvm..many ppl also haven
finish yet hahahahahax... but I will still do hehex...

Yesterday..was very fun it was Saturday...14 June 2008 I woke up 7.30am
wah so early and my legs were tired from
yesterday's work..lolx... after I showered and eat my breakfast
I went to Church for the Amazing Race Youth Impact Edition..lolx funny rite...
but it was very fun I tell u..we went to many different places lolx..
1st we went to IMM...we had to look for a Girl Guide in
uniform..lolx.... to give us the next clue..hahax...
2nd we went to Toh Guan East at #05-152..for our Rock climbling...
I dare not go up again after wad happend during Lifeskills..lolx..
I'm still scared of heights... lolx..
3rd we went to Clementi Woods.....where we had our Catapilla
which was very the pain bcoz the strings was like almost cutting our legs..Owww...
Then after that we had the trust game where someone had to
put on a blindfold and trust the person who is guiding them which they
cannot step and water ballons or bamboo poll or paper cups and plates..lolx...
Then there was a game called slider which there was mud..which looks fun
but i never played bcoz i never bring extra clothes..sob sob.. that was our last game at
Clementi Woods..lolx..
4th we went to VivoCity but I never follow them bcoz I had to go home and
get ready for work....which i was late for 5 minutes..lolx

After that I got changed into my uniform which btw its all
black..coolx..lolx..I also made alot of friends....They are..Weiting, Aisha,
Haydon, Hisham, Cythiya, Hafiz I think got more but I cant remember their names..
hahax....lolx..after that we have to cleaned up the threatre
which was fun bcoz we were playing and making lots of jokes ..lolx..hahax...
I start work ar 1835 and ended at 0115...lolx..and I came home around 0230 in the
morning lolx...hahax anywayx.. The worst thing was I hurt my toes wearing the annoying shoes anywayx
Thanks u guys from Church and from my
working place I had lots of fun hehehex...